Accent Health Recruitment
Current Time in Wellington, New Zealand
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Helen - Midwife, Christchurch

I am a UK midwife, now working in Christchurch hospital in Canterbury New Zealand.  My name is Helen Ward
I came from the UK 6 months ago.  The whole process to come to NZ with the general planning/ research took about 1.5 years but the serious process only took 4 months.

Accent Health Recruitment were the ones who got me the job and guided me!!  So I was very lucky to have them.
The most challenging part of the process was the midwifery registration in NZ and getting all the medicals completed for NZ Immigration.

When we first got here, we said “Yep we definitely made the right decision. The people are very friendly.”  The beautiful scenery and laid back attitude are the best parts of NZ.

In NZ they don’t have great central heating!!!  But you can get this installed - but it does cost!

My advice if you are planning to come to NZ is: make sure you research it extensively even the little things and don't just take one person’s word for it.  Join an immigration forum they are invaluable.

I came as a single mum with three children with next to nothing money wise, my final thought would be "anything is possible if you want it enough, dream the dream”.



How do I get registered in New Zealand? How much will I get paid in New Zealand? Where is the best place to work in New Zealand? Do my children need visas for New Zealand? For answers to these questions and more, check out our FAQs page.


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