Accent Health Recruitment
Current Time in Wellington, New Zealand
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Sadie - Midwife, Taranaki

Thank you very much to Prudence - without you I think I would still be buried in mounds of paperwork and applications!!!!!

Hi Everyone.
My name is Sadie, I am a Midwife and I came to NZ from the UK in January. The process to come to NZ took me 24 months from start to finish.

The easiest part of the process was talking to the girls at Accent - so helpful with all my big and little questions. The most challenging part of the process was preparing my children for the move, saying goodbye to good friends and family.

My first impressions of NZ were: Good people, friendly and helpful. Open to talk.

The best parts of NZ are: THE SPACE!!!! Beach, parks - the kids love the outdoors!

What I miss the most is the social circle in the UK, many friends we have known for 15+ years, it's hard not to be able to pop round for a cuppa or glass of wine. The time difference also makes it difficult for Skype and phone calls at times. My eldest child (8) has found this the most upsetting thing also, he has found it hard as most of his friends have been with him since first day of school.

My advice if you are planning to come to NZ is “Don’t panic! Research, make lists and double check those lists.....grab life by the seat pants and go for it!!!!!”



How do I get registered in New Zealand? How much will I get paid in New Zealand? Where is the best place to work in New Zealand? Do my children need visas for New Zealand? For answers to these questions and more, check out our FAQs page.


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